December 21, 2023

Grappling with Greed

How much is enough?  How much too much?   In the last hundred years, healthcare has experienced an unprecedented boom in innovation, technology, and… cost.  Wendy and Matt explore the origins of the rising price of healthcare – who pays, who benefits, and how good ‘ole fashioned greed interferes with the patient/doctor relationship.

“When you suffer in silence, you don’t move the needle towards a solution.” – Matt Ramsey

“We need to talk about what is ailing our healthcare system and marshall the troops. This isn’t going to change by a bunch of physicians complaining to their employer. Promise you.” – Matt Ramsey

“We’re in the we’re in the middle of a freaking Armageddon and we’re supposed to be polite. I mean, goodness gracious, what is that?” – Matt Ramsey

“I think the fact that we can no longer have gallows humor, that we can no longer have vulgarity, that we can’t raise our voices sometimes it’s all lunacy.” – Wendy Dean


Notes & Resources

43cc wants to be factual and informational and be hopeful in a way that provides a mechanism to get through this mess and try to be better together.

Moral injury plays a major role in this circumstance as well.

If I Betray These Words… By Wendy Dean, MD

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